Program Objectives

Preschool Program Goals and Objectives


Through developmentally appropriate materials and activities our aim is that your infant/toddler will develop a positive self-image. Your child will be exposed to a wide range of sensory, self-awareness and motor activities designed to promote the development of your child. Cultural and linguistic characteristics of the families served will be addressed in our program.


Social emotional development is a major part of our Infant/Toddler Program. Our caregivers aim to provide a safe and secure environment for infants and toddlers. This promotes a sense of independence and self-pride in children.

Physical Development:

Social emotional development is a major part of our Infant/Toddler Program. Our caregivers aim to provide a safe and secure environment for infants and toddlers. This promotes a sense of independence and self-pride in children.

Cognitive Development:

Physical development is an essential part of the growth process of children. We provide a variety of opportunities to promote the growth process of children in the use of small and large motor muscles. These activities develop coordinating movement in infant and toddlers.

Language Development:

Language development is an integral part of our whole program. Through songs, books and communicating with the infant/toddler throughout the day we set the foundation for future language development. At this time most language development is done through body language, eye contact, facial expression, smiles, laughs, and through interactive engagement between the Infant/Toddler and the caregiver.
Language Development — Children Reading a Book in Cameron Park, CA
Child Care — Kids Enjoying Outside Activities in Cameron Park, CA

Creative Development:

Creativity is incorporated in all areas of our program. Through children's play a child develops their cognitive, social, physical and emotional skills. By providing open-ended activities we encourage the children to play and be creative.
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