
Child Learning Daily Schedule

6:00am - 9:00pm

  • Free Choice of Learning Centers
  • Nutritious Breakfast

9:00am - 12:00pm

  • Scheduled program includes hands-on developmentally appropriate activities each day in these four major developmental areas; art; math or science; movement (tumbling); literacy; and enrichment which helps to develop a child's visual memory skills, problem solving, and learning the sound and shape of the letters of the alphabet.
  • Outside activities
  • Nutritious Lunch

12:00pm - 2:15pm

  • Nap or Quiet Time

2:30 - 4:30pm

  • Nutritious snack
  • Outside activities
  • Variety of planned activities for the developmental growth of the children in the four major developmental areas from the morning activities
Child Care — Kids Enjoying Outside Activities in Cameron Park, CA
Child Care — Kids Enjoying Outside Activities in Cameron Park, CA

4:30pm - 6:30pm

  • Closing activities
  • Free choice of Learning Centers. (Each classroom has a posted detailed schedule of their classroom activities and times)

We also consult the forms completed by each parent on their child(ren) to include any special needs they may require. It is our policy that children with special needs will not be denied services unless it is clear that their needs cannot be met within the parameters of our program as established. Generally a trial period is provided to determine whether the center can appropriately and safely meet these needs.

Infant schedules: Information from the "Happy Kids Infant Toddler Information" form completed by each parent and teacher observations are used to develop each infant's unique individual schedule and to develop a developmental profile on each child.
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